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Two (2) Slag Lamp Shades for Repair

Two (2) Slag Lamp Shades for Repair

Slag Lamp Shade Repair Summaries:
Slag Shade # 1 (top): Create 1 glass panel and install.
Repair frame and reinforce with copper/brass.
Repair broken filigree.
Create new glass holder tabs if any break off.

Shade # 2: Install 6 unbroken glass panels.
Repair frame and reinforce with copper/brass.
Repair broken filigree.
Adjust frame so glass panels fit correctly.
Create new glass holder tabs that break off.
Some of the delicate filigree is broken off and some is missing.
Creating, installing and repairing missing filigree is very tedious especially on some very long slender pieces.
Upon close inspection, some of the filigree work will not be exactly perfect.

The finished slag shade repairs will be very strong, even stronger than when new.

SKU SX305171122241
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