We make custom lamps of all kinds since 1975 using collectibles, unique objects and our customer's ideas.
Contact us for your custom lamp.
Music Instrument Lamps:
Saxophone Lamp
Trumpet Lamp
Clarinet Lamp
Flute Lamp
Guitar Lamp
Mandolin Lamp
We make custom lamps from many interesting items:
Custom lamp from a World War II Sextant that extended from the cockpit roof of an airplane.
The custom lamp from a plumber's urinal valve was really cool.
Custom guitar lamps and other stringed instrument are firmly secured in a pleasing artistic manner.
A custom tree limb pendant light for a pool table was made after searching the woods on my farm for just the right tree limb.
We learned how much Uncle Sam valued our soldiers while making a custom lamp from a world war II helmet.
We wore out 6 drill bits to get a hole through that helmet.
We make custom lamps from vases, statues, figurines and collectibles of all kinds.
The most challenging custom lamp projects have caused us to puzzled over them for weeks.
These difficult projects would lay in my office where we could see them daily.
My son Jeremiah and I would pass by and discuss different ideas.
Eventually we would come up with a solid plan to make an appealing custom lamp.
Contact us with your custom lamp idea..
Custom lamps are professionally made using old world craftsmanship since 1975.