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Gift Card

Gift Card

Gift Card Purchase Page:

Select the gift card amount below and checkout normally.

You will receive an instant notice and gift card receipt.

Next business day, you will receive an email with a printable DECORATIVE GIFT CARD showing the amount and policies.

Gift Card Policies:
Gift card amount is absolute, no extra charges or taxes of any kind.
Gift card can be redeemed for any product or service.
Gift card expires in 1 year from purchase date.
Gift card has no cash value.

Contact us for assistance.

*** FREE SHIPPING - 50 STATES USA !!! - Limited time offer ends soon.

Why Buy USA Made Lamps ?
Our USA made lamps are handcrafted of quality materials: cast iron, brass, porcelain, crystal, etc.
Since 1975 we make quality lamps and restore quality vintage lamps.
Our prices low because you are buying 100% direct.
THANK YOU for buying USA made lamps !

ShipTime Immediate
Packing Ultra Packed - No Damage Guaranteed
Our price: $50.00
Gift Card Amount
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